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                当前位置: 首页 >食品饮料>食品添加剂>聚丙烯酸钠 >无锡专业生产优质聚丙烯酸钠








                该产品具有高分子化合物的水溶性以及︼其主链上活泼的酰基,因@ 而在石油开采、水处理、纺织印染、造纸、选矿、洗煤、医药、制糖、养殖、建材、农业等行业具有广泛的应用,有“百业助剂”、“万能产品”之称。










                在采矿、洗煤领域,采用PAM作絮凝剂可促进☉采矿、洗煤回收水中固体物的沉降,使水澄清,同时可回收有用的固体颗粒,避免√对环境造成污染;在制糖工业中,可加速蔗汁中细粒子的下沉,促进过滤和提〒高滤液的清澈度;在养殖工业中,可改善水※质,增加水的透光性能,从而改善水的光合作用;在医药工业中,可用作分离抗菌素的絮凝剂、用作药片的赋型⌒粘接剂以及工艺水澄清剂等;在建∏材工业中,可用作涂料增稠分▼散剂、锯石板材冷却剂以及陶瓷粘接剂等;在农业上,可作为高吸水性材料可用作土壤保湿剂以及种子培养剂等。在建筑工业中,可以∑ 增强石膏水泥的硬度,加速石棉水〗泥的脱水速度。此外,还可用作天然或合成皮革的保护涂层以及无机肥料的造粒助剂等。

                Polyacrylamide product introduction

                The product characteristic:

                This product\'s member can with disperse in the solution the suspended particle bridging adsorption, has the greatly strengthened flocculation.

                The main application:

                This product has on the high-molecular compound water-solubility as well as its principal chain the lively acyl group, thus in professions and so on petroleum extraction, water treatment, textile printing, papermaking, dressing, coal washing, medicine, sugar manufacturing, cultivation, building materials, agriculture has the widespread application, has “hundred industry assistants”, “the multi-purpose products” the name.

                1 water treatment domain:

                PAM mainly includes raw water processing, the sewage treatment and the industry water treatment 3 aspects in the water treatment industry\'s application. In raw water processing, coordinate uses and so on PAM and activated charcoal, may use in living in the running water the suspended particle condensation and clarify; In sewage treatment. PAM may use in the sludge dewatering; In the industry water treatment, mainly serves as the formula medicament. In raw water processing, replaces the inorganic flocculant with organic flocculant PAM, even if does not transform the sedimentation pond, water purification ability may also enhance above 20%. Therefore present many big or media-sized cities when the water supply intense or the water quality is bad, uses PAM to take the supplement. In the sewage treatment, uses PAM to be possible to increase the watering sales commission circulation the utilization ratio.

                2 petroleum extraction domain:

                In the petroleum extraction, mainly uses in aspects and so on drilling mud material as well as enhancement extraction rate, widely applies in oil field mining works and so on well drilling, well completion, well cementation, compression fracture, strengthened extraction, has increases sticks, falls filters loses, functions and so on changing adjustment, gel gelation gelling, divergence, section plane adjustment. At present our country oil field mining already marched into the mid and late part, to raise the crude oil recovery ratio, at present mainly promotes the polymer displacement of reservoir oil and three Yuan compound displacement of reservoir oil technology. Through pours into the polyacrylamide peroxide solution, the improvement perquisite relative velocity, causes to pick in the thing the crude oil content enhancement. At present the overseas polyacrylamide are not many in the oil field aspect\'s application, our country as a result of the special geological condition, the Daqing Oil Field and the Shengli Oilfield already started widely to use the polymer displacement of reservoir oil technology.

                3 papermaking domains:

                PAM widely serves as the resident medicinal preparation, the filter aid, the even medicinal preparation in the papermaking domain and so on. Its function is can improve paper\'s quality, enhances the pulp dehydration performance, enhances the tiny textile fiber and the padding is remaining rate, reduces raw material the consumption as well as to the environment pollution and so on. The effect which uses in the papermaking is decided by its mean molecular weight, the ion nature, the ionic strength and other copolymer activeness. Non-ionic PAM mainly uses in enhancing the paper pulp to filter the nature, increases does the paper intensity, enhances the textile fiber and the padding is remaining rate; The anion copolymer mainly serves as the paper to do the wet intensifier and the resident medicinal preparation; The positive ion copolymer mainly uses in the papermaking wastewater disposal and helps filters the function, moreover regarding enhances the padding to remain rate is also having the good effect. In addition, PAM also applies in the papermaking wastewater disposal and the textile fiber recycling.

                4 textile printing industry:

                In the textile industry, PAM takes the fabric post-processing the starching agent, the finishing agent, may produce, the crease-resist, bear the mold mild-mannered the protector. Using its water absorbant strong characteristic, can reduce spins when the spun yarn the broken line rate; After PAM does, the finishing agent may prevent the fabric the static electricity and being flame-resistant; When serves as the printing assistant, may cause the product to adhere to stick cohere fastness to be big, the brightness is high, but may also take the blanching the non-silicon high polymer stabilizer; In addition, but may also use in the textile printing sewage the highly effective purification.

                5 other domains

                In mining, the coal washing domain, use PAM to make the flocculant to be possible to promote mining, in the coal washing recycling water the solid subsidence, causes the water to clarify, simultaneously may recycle the useful solid particle, avoids causing the pollution to the environment; In the sugar manufacturing industry, may accelerate in the cane juice the thin granule submersion, the promotion filters the limpidity which and enhances filtrates; In the cultivation industry, may improve the water quality, increases the watering the diaphanous performance, thus improvement water photosynthesis; In the pharmaceutical industry, may serve as the separation antibiotic the flocculant, to serve as the pill the tax caking agent as well as the craft water clarifying agent and so on; In the building materials industry, may serve as the coating to dewater the dispersing agent, the sawn stone plate cooling agent as well as the ceramic caking agent and so on; In the agriculture, may take the high hygroscopicity material to be possible to serve as the soil humectant as well as the seed culture medicinal preparation and so on. In the building industry, may strengthen the gypsum cement degree of hardness, the acceleration eternit dehydrated speed. In addition, but may also serve as natural or the synthetic leather protective finish as well as the inorganic fertilizer pelleting assistant and so on.

                型号 聚丙烯酸钠   包装规格 25kg/袋  
                CAS 9003-05-8   执行质量标准 GB17514-2003  
                PH值ω 使用范围 1-14   含量 90  
                化学成份 丙烯酰胺   名称 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)系列  
                目数 20   品牌 博耐丹  
                外观 白色颗粒状   有效物质含量 90  

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